Jennifer W.
Degu’s absolutely love these!!!
Clare W.
This is the perfect hay topper
Andrew O.
The favourite herb selection- they love the yellow flowers.
Caitlyn C.
A lovely little snack to add a bit of variety into my boys diet, really great for mixing through the hay or scattering for a forage feed!
Carrey W.
My little bunny loves this blend, I also love the smell of this blend as soon as it's opened I can't help but get a couple of whiffs before giving it to my bunny
Suzanne C.
The guinea pigs love all the dried herbs, flowers and botanicals from Haybox. I tend to mix it in with their hay or nuggets and they enjoy a good forage.
M C.
Always lovely and fresh. Bunnies love it.
Our Rabbit really enjoyed this
My bunnies love this in a big with hay to forage in.
Pets enjoy
Noemi T.
This is my bunnies’ favourite forage, they are so excited when I put it on their hay!
Mrs T.
My girls love to forage this, mixed in with the hay.
Mariola M.
My guinea pigs love it
Jenna B.
My bunnies love this scattered in their hay
Rosie C.
Great, rabbits love it.
Kelly U.
Piggies love it
Elaine M.
My bun can't get enough of these
Dr nadia H.
chu Chu is a very discerning and adored house rabbit, she loves the finer things in her gilded bunny life like botanical blend which has to be sprinkled on her Timothy hay both short cut and long cut. She loves being hand fed her dandelion root. Chu chu loves the haybox as they ensure that she gets her delivery the next day, so that she never has a break in her bunny supplies.
Smells amazing
Dr nadia H.
Gaston, alba and chu chu adore their botanical blend. They make a mad dash for it when I sprinkle it onto their Timothy hay and it is literally gone within seconds.
Jade K.
I find these make hay much more exciting and they love rooting round to see what they've got!
Aleks G.
My piggies really like the Botanical Blend, however we much preferred the paper packaging that these used to come in. The plastic bag that the forage came in popped open in transit and some of it spilled out.
Smells nice guinea pigs love munching it
Linda B.
Bit hit with the handreared trio
Linda B.
I would like to say my rabbits love it but my parcel arrived with 2 large boxes of hay my 4 bags of dried goodies had all crumbled into tiny bits and the bags had popped open. This was due to poor packing ( imagine 2 boxes of hay on top of 4 packets of delicate dried goods ) I dont normally like to leave negative reviews but I have emailed the company twice with no reply!
Georgina D.
Both rabbits loved it
Katarina P.
Hay box is my go to every month for herbs my bunny loves them I mix it in with her hay so she always has nibbles
Peter S.
We've been getting our hay and treats from Haybox for a few years, and it's the best quality hay, herbs, and other treats for our rabbit. It's priced so well, and it gets to us so quickly. It's a really great service!
Karen B.
Bunnies love these
Suzanne T.
Bunnies like a bit of forage.
Yasmin B.
My bunny loves it
Laura E.
Amazing quality hay and and forage! My rabbits love this stuff it’s the only hay I will buy ! Not the 4.00 a bag stuff this is much better .
The bunnies love this forage. I add to other dried herbs/hay for them to forage, increasing interest.
Great product, but unfortunately the company has gone down hill, take over a week for orders to turn up, I can get parts from the USA quicker!! Also called complaining, they apologised and said would give a complementary box of hay which never turned up, hate to be told false promises.
Amy S.
Very good rabbits love it and it's always filled to the top
Love it
Krzysztof L.
I Ordered on 15th Dec now is 27th and still not received!
The blend is nice and the guineas approve
Good blend
Mudge Mudge loves this stuff and it totally encourages him to eat his hay
Jacqui S.
Stella loves this wee treat. Though tbh I haven't found a treat she doesn't like so her diet starts tomorrow! lol
Heather G.
Our two male rabbits LOVE this one. They also LOVED the dandelion. Buying both again. They didn't like the Hibiscus, tried a few times but they left it every time.......and one of our rabbits is not a fussy eater. Gave the Hibiscus to a friend for her rabbit.
My Guinea pigs LOVE this!
Rebekah F.
The forage is really nice and great to mix in with the hay,
My buns love it.
The rabbits love this product
Kitty R.
My rabbits absolutely adore the botanical blend. Amazing quality not brown and dusty like other brands which my rabbits hate. A very vibrant mixture of immune-boosting herbs love to mix it in as a healthy boost to their dried food. It smells amazing and love how it helps them to forage like they would do In the wild!
Ms C.
Smells divine nice fresh love it
Really nice quality. Helped encourage my bunnies to eat more hay during shedding season! Happy bunnies!
Caroline W.
My rabbits absolutely adore this. It looks and smells great. When sprinkled into the Timothy hay, they can't wait to snuffle their way through it.
Natalie B.
Mr Mo loves this mixed with his hay to encourage him to forage he dives right in hence the flower on his head
Karen I.
Bun loves these
Lianne D.
Guinea pigs say it’s great! Looks lovely but I’ve not personally tasted it
My bunny’s love these!
Joyce R.
Looks inviting and have mixed it with some other bits and pieces as a treat
Christina C.
Its possible that I like this even more than the rabbits do, and they both love it. It smells lovely and looks lovely and the rabbits were very interested in it. Definitely adds some novelty to their hay exploration.
Rabbits and Guinea pigs love them
Jacqui S.
Stella likes this.
Wilhemina D.
It was so yummy we went head first into the packet!
Katie B.
Have sprinkled this on bunny's hay and he's loving it
Jennifer G.
Belle & Berry approved!!!
They love this so much and I will definitely be buying again xx Thankyou xx
My bunny loves this stuff
My bunny loves this
My bunnies go mad for this!
Yvonne F.
A Christmas treat we will be doing again
Great addition to hay
Ursula s J.
Lahey my daughter's guinea pig I look after for a while loves it as a treat
It's healthy and you also can sprinkle it over the hay or put it in a sfmade toy for him to find
First time the bunnies having this and they love it
Maureen M.
Rabbits tucked in straight away. Love the fact no plaster packaging is used, so environmentally friendly.
Joanne B.
Bunny loves it
Rabbit loves it
Hollie H.
My rabbits and guinea pigs love it
Caroline W.
Both my rabbits love this blend.... it smells wonderful. If they are in their run and get a whiff of it when I'm topping up they can't get through their tunnel quick enough. Straight to the hay trough nibble nibble munch.
Elaine M.
Maisie loves these
Sue R.
A regular for me my bun absolutely loves it
Rabbits love it.
Mix it up with the hay and keep your bunnies occupied and out of mischief.
Elliott B.
I ordered these in the past and they never ended up arriving. They gave me a refund. Decided to order them again. I don’t think there overly keen about the Rose Flowers or the Hibiscus but im sure with time they will come to enjoy it. Usually takes me a couple days of me offering it to them for them to actually start to enjoy it. I have bought Marigold in the past and they enjoy that. The only part they will eat tho is the petals. I have to pull them off or else it will be left in the bowl
Daphne R.
Nice mix
Great product and fast delivery
Vicki E.
Buns go nuts for this; great big bits of flowers and minimal dusty bits at the bottom if the bag much better than other prepackaged forages.
Donna J.
All arrived beautifully packaged but my bunny decided that she doesn't like to eat flowers
Anna B.
Mixed with herbal blend for when I run out of my stock
Elliott B.
Cant say whether its any good as i haven’t received it, the rest of my order came except the 200g of botanical blend. I’ve contacted them, waiting for them to reply
Rebecca F.
My 4 rabbits are already big fans of your hay so thought I would try some forage!! They love the rose petals and botanical mix and a bit of short cut hay in the bottom!
Sue R.
Trying to wean my bunnies off of the 'museli style mix' they had been used too for breakfast wasn't easy until we changed to Haybox and ordered the Botanical blend. I just put a little of the chopped hay in their feed bowl and put a pinch of the botanical blend on top and they are happily munching away
Rebecca M.
Thank you very much for my recent haybox order and the additional packs of Botanical Blend you added in, it was very much appreciated.
Belle absolutely loves her Botanical Blend sprinkled over hay!
Kayleigh B.
A good treat to mix in with the hay for some variety for our guinea pigs.
Sara W.
My guinea pig girls Mystic and Maisie love this. It has a selection of flowers and is really good forage. Looks so pretty scattered in their hay.
Caroline W.
My rabbits absolutely love this blend. Sprinkled into their hay or just from the bag when nearly empty. I also love the scent it gives off meaning their living area smells dreamy...for a while.
Nicola S.
I got this lovely botanical blend to mix with hay because this little monster isn't great at eating it. I think she prefers the herbal blend but her sister loves this botanical blend!
Julia B.
Always goes down a treat. Looks and smells amazing
Angelika S.
Diane F.
Colourful and guinea pigs love it
David J.
My buns love this , put some in with there hay, keeps them amused for ages!
Gina B.
Rabbits love it
Gina B.
Rabbits love it
Jennifer dawn A.
Gourguse sweet smelling topper foliage
Donna D.
Louise S.
My two buns love this!
Sarah H.
Lovely blend. Great for foraging. I hide this in a forage mat and my bunnies really enjoy digging it out!